Advice on administering Botox Injection and Laser Treatments for Cosmetic Purposes

by Mawlana Mateen A. Khan, MD This answer first appeared at Question:Could you provide an answer on the permissibility of offering laser treatments for skin diseases and Botox injections for cosmetic purposes in my medical practice, considering the advancements … Continue reading Advice on administering Botox Injection and Laser Treatments for Cosmetic Purposes

The Need for Islamic Ethics in Medicine

Shaykh Mateen A. Khan, MD As new diseases and treatment modalities arise, health professionals and patients increasingly find themselves facing dilemmas – ranging from birth defects to end-of-life care – that are as much scientific as they are moral. Medicine, as a field, requires a strong ethical directive. However, personal experience and historical references testify to the fact that human intellect alone is often incapable of reaching objective ethical standards or does so in a contradictory manner. More than just outlining the permissible (halāl) and the impermissible (harām), Islam provides the Believer with a worldview and wide-ranging guidance – a … Continue reading The Need for Islamic Ethics in Medicine

A Sunnah-Minded Approach to Medicine for the Practitioner

Shaykh Mateen A. Khan, MD Like everything in Islam, the philosophy of practice for a Muslim health practitioner starts with the kalimah. Bear with me on this. The first half of the kalimah explains the reason for our being here. There is no deity other than Allah. As such, there is no creator or sustainer other than Him. We and everyone else exist simply because He willed us to exist. This is not a matter of debate or choice. Rather, it is a reality. The sooner you accept this reality, the sooner you can move forward in life. How should … Continue reading A Sunnah-Minded Approach to Medicine for the Practitioner

Medication with Unlawful Ingredients

  Bismihi Ta’ala Introduction There are many scenarios in which a Muslim patient may be advised to take medication that is comprised of unlawful substances (“haram medication”).  Is a Muslim allowed to use medication that would be considered unlawful to consume or take benefit of by Islamic law?  If so, in what circumstances?  This article discusses the issue of haram medication and its related rulings based on principles that scholars have derived from the Quran and Sunnah, and provides examples of how these principles can be applied to modern medications and treatments.  Ahadith that Discuss Haram Medication There are numerous … Continue reading Medication with Unlawful Ingredients